About us

The Sapiens Chat is a state-of-the-art Artificial Intelligence Chatbot trained on an enormous amount of data and based on a Large Language Model (LLM) multimodal, also known as LMM (Large Multimodal Model), with an infinite context window and technology developed by SAPIENS TECHNOLOGY LTDA.

Beyond the standards

Schizophrenic AI: Its peculiar approach consists of a proprietary technique called Schizophrenic AI. Schizophrenic Artificial Intelligence (or Schizophrenic AI) was inspired by the mental processes of schizophrenic geniuses. In this approach, there is a base model with a proprietary architecture called SAPI (Semantic AI with Pretrained Integration) that generates a primordial output based on the user's input, before this output is returned as a response the SAPI receives other outputs from auxiliary models and performs a internal evaluation to choose the most likely or best-adapted output to the prompt's needs.

SAPI: Just as in the biological mind of schizophrenic geniuses, SAPI also receives intuitions from conflicting entities that force it to choose one among several responses or actions suggested internally by itself, applying semantic comparison to the responses of pre-trained models that work in an integrated manner. This approach makes the base model return responses with a higher degree of refinement than current models like GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformers), which typically return the first response generated by the algorithm's core.

04 versions of power

  • SAPI-1 is the most limited, focused on agility and response time, with low processing power, hence offered for free.

  • SAPI-2 has twice the capacity and intelligence compared to SAPI-1.

  • SAPI-3 has triple the capacity and intelligence of SAPI-1.

  • SAPI-4 has the total capacity of the base model, being four times more intelligent than the initial model..

Meet the Team

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